Bounty Divers managed to dive on the crashed Pel Air West Wind a few months ago after the area ban was lifted.
We did not get all the way down to the aircraft as this dive was just a reco dive to see if we thought it was possible and/or safe.
As you can see from the footage the fuselage is in two pieces. The rear part is shown very clearly, but we could not see the front section at all. The rear section is the prt that we want to have a look at as is has all of the important parts in and on it ie. the wings, the engines etc.
We have some extremely good divers on Norfolk Island and Bounty Divers will be going down to have another look as soon as the weather permits.
The wreck is sitting at 54m. The video footage was taken from 40m initially and then we moved down to 45m. Before we go any deeper than that we have some serious planning and safety precautions toi take care of first.
In the footage we can see Doug Creek at the end of the footage. But if you have a good look as the camera is coming up to show Doug, in the top right corner you can see a quick glimpse of a fairly decent sized shark. We saw him once then he was gone.
Sharks on Norfolk Island are essentially harmless as our fish stocks are estimated to be 93% AT WORST... It does not stop them from being curious however.
Have a look at the footage on You Tube or follow this link
Hope you like it